Lately I've been revisiting a lot of old tunes - 'old' as in, pieces that I wrote 5-10 years ago or more. Digging into the Myles Wright archives, blowing the...
Greetings! I've been recording more horns recently - Mark Underwood (trumpet) and my very first saxophone teacher, Paul Millard (saxes) for a big band chart called Warm Cafe. This is...
Skate is finally finished ;) Featuring the horn talents of James Sandon, Ricki Mallet, Carl Mackey and Jeremy Greig, this tune is inspired by (you guessed it) skate boarding. Each...
Here is the video from the recent choral recordings :) Special thanks to everyone involved for such a super-duper production!...
Very excited to have the audio for the recent choral recording! Video coming soon :) I Love Thee (Words by Thomas Hood) I love thee - I love thee! 'Tis all that...
Way back in 2002, I attended a very cool 6-week summer workshop called The Henry Mancini Institute. At the time, HMI was running at UCLA in Los Angeles and what a...
A few nights ago I was privileged to have a fantastic choir perform some new choral works that I have written. The St Georges Cathedral Consort conducted by Joseph Nolan...
Happy 2013 everyone! I received a lovely piece of feedback from a harpist in Switzerland recently. Little things like this make it all worth it. I hope everyone's new year is off...